Wednesday 8 April 2015

Emerald – Birthstone for the Month of May!

Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May.

This stone is believed to be the symbol of rebirth, and is considered to grant foresight, fortune and youth. The word ‘Emerald’ is taken indirectly from the Greek word smaragdus which means green. In 330 B.C, it was mined in Egypt. The history of emerald can be traced back to ancient times as the stone was worn by kings in Egypt and Babylon. The famous Queen Cleopatra’s emeralds were found from the Egypt, near Red Sea.

The gemstone Emerald belongs to the beryl family of gemstones/minerals which also include morganite, beryl, heliodor etc. It varies in color from very light green to deep green. The presence of green color in emerald is thought to be the cause of excessive amount of chromium or vanadium in the mineral.

Most of times, emeralds are found inside sedimentary rocks. Today, Colombia is the main and richest source of emerald besides getting discovered from Russia, Pakistan, India, Austria, Madagascar, Norway, Brazil and Zambia.

The emerald possess great healing powers as the stone is believed to prevent bleeding, epilepsy and cure fever and dysentery. The green color of this gemstone relieves and soothes eyes and relaxes the mind. It is also said to carry power to foretell the future.

Monday 6 April 2015

Diamond - Birthstone for the Month of April!

Diamond is the stone for the month of April. You are lucky you are born in April as diamond can also be the perfect gift for your loved one. The word diamond is taken from the Greek word ‘adamas’ means indomitable or unbreakable due to its hardness which is ‘10’ on scale.

Folklore says that God of Mines asked for world’s best gems i.e. sapphires, emeralds, rubies to his courtiers. They found all and brought to him colorful gems. The God took one gem from all, crushed and compounded together and said “Let this be a thing which will combine the beauty of all gems” and Diamond was born; invincible in hardness and pure as dewdrop. Hence, when the rays of diamond are resolved in spectrum, it shows colors of all gems it was made.

There are several types of diamonds; translucent, opaque and transparent. The color of diamond ranges from colorless to black and many colors in between. The diamonds which are used in jewelry are mostly tinted or colorless diamonds. Basically it’s the impurities inside the diamond which makes its color.  Yellow diamond carries little quantity of nitrogen while blue diamond contains boron.

The diamond is considered to be the symbol of innocence and purity.  It provides immense strength, truth and trust to its wearer.  Being perfect in nature, diamond is rightly called ‘king of all gems’. It is known as master healer for its unique abilities to unify body and mind. It is used for providing energy and strength to brain function, sensory organs and nerves. It has also been used to aid balance in brain hemispheres and has been used in treatment of strokes and epilepsy.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Aquamarine & Bloodstone - Birthstones for the Month of March!

Aquamarine & Bloodstone are two birthstones for the month of March.


The word aquamarine is taken from the Latin word aqua which means water and marine means sea. The stone was considered a stone which protects sailors from sea sickness and ensured safe voyage. It is also said to relax the mind and its blue serene color cools temper.  The colors of aquamarine ranges from greenish blue to blue-green. The main sources of this gemstone is Pakistan, Madagascar, Mozambique and Brazil.

Aquamarine stone is believed to cure ailments of liver, throat, jaw and stomach. It is also said to be an effective antidote against poison. This gemstone was also used to tell fortunes and answer questions about future. In Germany, aquamarine was also used as glasses to correct shortsightedness.


Bloodstone is the second birthstone for the month of March. Bloodstone is also called as heliotrope. It is basically a kind of mineral quartz. This type of quartz exists as a tiny crystals which are formed in lumps shape having no external crystal form yet each of these crystals are a genuine crystal. This form of quartz is also known as chalcedony. Green chalcedony having red flecks is called bloodstone. The stone is believed to form during the crucifixion of Christ. That’s the reason, bloodstone is the favorite material for religious carving specially crucifixion.  This stone is normally found in riverbeds or embedded in rocks.

In middle ages, bloodstone was used to treat nosebleeds. Powdered and mixed with white of egg and honey, this magical stone has the healing powers to cure tumors and stop all kinds of hemorrhage. It was also believed to draw out poison & venom of snakes.

Friday 27 March 2015

Amethyst - Birthstone for the Month of February!

Amethyst is the birthstone for the month of February.  The word amethyst is taken from the Greek word “amethystos” which means “not drunk”. It is strongly believed that amethyst carries supreme powers of preventing its wearer from intoxication.

It carries quartz which is considered to be the second most rich mineral found in the crust of earth.  Amethyst color ranges from mauve to deep purple. A high sensitivity to heat, if heated to 500 degrees Celsius, amethyst changes its color to brown or red. In some other circumstances, it can also change its color to green if heated.  It is also experienced that amethyst can turn into another gemstone Citrine if heated on certain level. 

It is said that Cleopatra wore the ring in which amethyst stone was engraved. It is also considered to be Saint Valentine’s stone, who also wore amethyst ring which was engraved with the figure of his assistant, cupid. That’s why Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated in Feb.  

The major sources of amethyst are Uruguay, Brazil, North Carolina and Arizona.

It is believed that this stone carries strong powers and has placed the stone in pharaoh’s tomb. During Medieval ages, amethyst was used to dispel sleep, protect its wearer from sorcery. In battles, this stone was worn by fighters to bring victory.  In Arabic customs, amethyst stone is considered to relieve gout pain and protect wearer from bad dreams.

The amethyst represents power and is considered the symbol of royalty as a February’s birthstone. 

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Garnet - Birthstone for the Month of January

Garnet is the birthstone for the month of January.

If we unfold the history, we come to know that the word “Garnet” has been taken from the Latin word “granatum” which means “pomegranate”. The name has been given to Garnet because of its crystal’s resemblance to red color and seed like shape.  

There is common perception that Garnet comes in only red color but the fact is, it exists in different colors including black, various shades of green or red and even colorless. Basically, the variety of garnet’s color is the result of metals e.g. iron, manganese, aluminum and calcium. The most expensive garnet comes in green color and is found rarely. Colorless stones and emerald green garnet are highly prized.  Pure red garnet is also considered the valued gemstone.

Generally, Garnets are found in streams like a small pebble weathered by igneous or metamorphic rocks. They can be found in Asia, Australia, Spain and North & South America.

Like many other gemstones, Garnet is also believed to possess mystic healing powers. At Medieval age, Garnet is considered to be the only gemstone which was used to protect its wearer against wounds, poison and bad dreams. It was also used to cure depression. Especially Red garnet is used to reduce fever, inflammatory diseases and hemorrhages.

As a January’s birthstone, in contrast to the coldest month, the bright and warm Garnet symbolizes loyalty, a light heart and enduring affection and protect its wearer in travels. 

Monday 23 March 2015

Birthstones - Fact or Fiddle?

Universally, it is a known fact that birthstones matter.  But there are various questions arise in our minds. For example, what is the link between birth and stone? What effects these birthstones have on its wearer? Do they really matter or not?  

Birthstones are those gemstones which basically symbolizes birth month and associated with the each month of the calendar year.  Birthstones are world-wide accepted and agreeable notion. If we look back at history, we can find that the core origin of these stones is said to be the breastplate of Aaron which carried total twelve in number gemstones. These twelve gemstones basically represented twelves tribes of Israel. Whereas old traditional birthstones were based on society and culture of that time.  In 1952,  this list of birthstones were updated by the Jewelry Industry Council of America.  The Council added citrine to November, alexandrite to June, replaced lapis with zircon in December and specified tourmaline (pink) for October. Later the tanzanite was added in the month of December by The American Gem Trade Association.

Birthstones by Month

Aquamarine, bloodstone
Agate, Emerald
Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone
Peridot, Sardonyx
Saphire, Lapis lazuli
Opal, Tourmaline
Topaz, Citrine
Turquoise, zircon, tanzanite

Sunday 22 March 2015

Healing Powers of Gemstones

According to traditional folklore and ancient stories, there are various gemstones which are considered to carry mystic and mighty healing powers for its wearer. So whether you are looking for gift or getting a ring for yourself, do consider the healing powers of these stones. Following I will discuss the healing powers of different gemstones:

Amber Gemstone
Amber is considered to be the only gemstone which carries the healing powers of relieving stress, purifying blood, improving memory loss, reducing headaches, bone and heart problems,  and having soothing effects for its wearer.

Amethyst Gemstone    

Amethyst is known for relieving arthritis, insomnia and circulatory issues. This is the only gemstone which is worldwide considered the stone of peace, inner strength, meditation, balance and courage.

Aquamarine Gemstone

Aquamarine is known for its healing powers of relaxing nerves, relieving pain of liver, stomach, teeth, ears, eyes and jaw. It also brings mental clarity and inner peace for its wearer.

Citrine Gemstone           

Citrine is considered to be the only gemstone which reduces hearing problem. All over the world, the Citrine wearers have claimed that their hearing power has increased after wearing this gemstone.

Garnet Gemstone          

The only gemstone which is known for its extraordinary powers of enhancing love, romance, sensuality, passion and intimacy. It also helps in improving lungs and heart problems.

Lapis Gemstone              

Lapis is the stone of art lovers. It enhances creativity and truthfulness. Lapis also decreases anxiety and depression.

Onyx Gemstone              

A spiritual gemstone, onyx is considered to be the best gemstone to enhance spiritual inspiration.

Pearl Gemstone              

Pearl is known for its purity and it also enhances purity, integrity and loyalty in its wearer.

Peridot Gemstone         

Peridot is considered the best gemstone in relieving tension in relationships, healing anger and jealousy. It also helps in slowing age. Furthermore, Peridot is also known for increasing prosperity and abundance.

Ruby Gemstone              

This gemstone is known for enhancing devotion, happiness and integrity in its wearer.

Sapphire Gemstone      

Sapphire is best known for its powers of promoting inner peace and meditation. It also helps in enhancing creative expression and personal expression.

Topaz Gemstone            

Topaz is considered the most powerful gemstone amongst all other gemstones. It provides emotional balance and protection from all sort of greed.

Turquoise Gemstone    

This is the gemstone which remains always immersed in lore and tradition. Turquoise has strong healing and balancing effects in its wearer. 

Keep reading!!!

Saturday 21 March 2015

Gemstone - As a Therapy!

Gemstones have always been used since centuries as a therapy worldwide.  This is no far that Jade has always been considered the best remedy for heart, kidneys, spleen and liver diseases.  Whereas carnelian is used to cure menstrual cramps and it also purifies blood.  But this is also a fact that in past, all the properties, associated with gemstones were ambiguous whereas, today gemstone as a therapy has become a full-fledged science.

The gemstone therapy is basically based on its spherical form. The core benefit of sphere is that it radiates its energies toward all directions of body and body takes it where there is requirement.  Whereas crystal only radiates its energies towards only one direction.

Today, gemstone therapy has also expanded in two more branches including gem formulas and single sphere application.  With the discovery of these two branches, gemstone therapy has become more economical and affordable for every layman.

The energies of gemstone work throughout the body. These energies have soothing and normalizing effects on mind, emotions, body and whole physiological system.  Any individual can get benefit from the healing effects of gemstone and can improve his mental and physical health.  The easiest method and one of the economical therapy of gemstone is single gemstone sphere. It can be used in a various ways, e.g. arrangement as a pattern, or in mini gemandalas, placement on acupoints etc. 

There are various health issues which can be addressed by mini gemandalas. Every gemstone carries its uniqueness and novel characteristic which provides its benefits to the user.  The therapy of gemstone offers something to everyone who uses it and gets benefit out of it.